Greetings from the Director, Adam Liff
Welcome to the website of the new "21st Century Japan Politics and Society Initiative" (21JPSI), established within Indiana University's Hamilton Lugar School of Global and International Studies (HLS) in 2018.

Thanks in significant part to a five-year seed grant from the Japan Foundation's Center for Global Partnership, 21JPSI has enabled a new tenure-track faculty line in contemporary Japanese politics and society; four new courses on contemporary Japan/social science; a multidisciplinary speaker series on Japanese Politics and Society; national conferences on U.S.-Japan relations; academic manuscript workshops, collaborative policy panels, and research travel grants to support IU faculty conducting field work in Japan. Through events, teaching, and networking socials it also serves as a hub on campus for contemporary Japanese society, politics, and foreign affairs-focused research, teaching, and programming.
Please browse our website to learn more. I also encourage you to sign up for our event announcement mailing list and follow us on Twitter @21JPSI_IU.
Finally, I would note that 21JPSI is but one example of the Hamilton Lugar School's robust commitment to East Asian studies and languages at Indiana University. I encourage you to visit the East Asian Languages and Cultures (EALC) Department's website for more information about what we have to offer. We have also set up a resources page that contains IU Japan- and East Asia-related links.
It is a privilege to be able to direct this exciting new initiative. I hope that you will join us soon at one of our public events.
Adam P. Liff, Ph.D.
Founding Director, 21JPSI
Associate Professor, EALC, Hamilton Lugar School of Global and International Studies